2008年3月15日 星期六

Homework 3-8-2008

1. Track your comments at a focal point

2. Using personal portal.
My person portal.

3. Make your blog organized by adding labels

4. Reading Assignments: Read Chap 3. Answer the following questions.
  • What are the commercial values of Internet?
  • List some business strategies for online commerce.

What are the commercial values of Internet?The Internet can be used to transform customer relationships, and it can displace or alter traditional source of business value.

List some business strategies for online commerce.
1.Channel master :
A customer-centered business organized around a product.
2.Customer magnet:
A customer-centered business organized around meeting all the needs of a particular group of customers.

3.Value chain pirate:A focus on the supply chain lead to the strategy.

4.Digital distributor:
A focus on distribution-reaching the customer leads to the strategy.